SPC launches China Maritime Trial (2018-2021)
According to the website of the SPC, China Maritime Trail (2018-2021) was issued on December 12. For the aspects of general introduction of maritime trial and enforcement nationwide from 2018 to 2021, courts at three levels participated in maritime adjudication nationwide accepted 132,633 cases of marine and maritime disputes, maritime administration, maritime crimes, and maritime enforcement, while 133,309 cases were concluded.
It is mentioned in the report that 89,384 cases of marine and maritime disputes were accepted and 88,764 cases were concluded, while 4,339 maritime administrative cases were accepted and 4,227 of which were concluded. Maritime courts accepted 45 maritime criminal cases on a pilot basis altogether. With respect to situation of enforcement, 38,795 cases of maritime enforcement were accepted, 39,897 cases were concluded.
From 2018 to 2021, courts at three levels nationwide accepted 10,397 cases involving foreign elements and 2,693 cases involved Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan elements. Among them, 10,611 cases involving foreign elements and 2,782 cases involving Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan elements were concluded after being heard. 2,717 vessels had been seized by the eleven maritime courts nationwide, including 105 foreign-flagged vessels and 24 vessels registered in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. 1,252 vessels had been auctioned, including 30 foreign-flagged vessels and 9 vessels registered in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.
(Source: China News)