
China Newsletter on Maritime and Commercial Arbitration (CHNOMACA)

BIMCO's CII clause officially adopted

FROM:CMAC | 2022-12-31

The BIMCO Documentary Committee adopts the CII Operations Clause for Time Charter Parties which will help the industry implement new requirements from the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

New regulations on the carbon intensity of international shipping will come into force on 1 January 2023. The CII regulations are expected to significantly impact the future operation of ships. Shipowners and charterers must change the way they co-operate and new clauses for charter parties are required to help owners and charterers succeed. As the industry likely will be facing more regulations from the IMO and the EU aimed at reducing shipping's CO2 emissions, the need for new contracts and clauses is increasing. The CII clause is the latest addition to BIMCO's suite of carbon clauses for time charter parties. 

(Source: BIMCO Shanghai Wechat Official Account)