
China Newsletter on Maritime and Commercial Arbitration (CHNOMACA)

China launches maritime trial website

FROM:CMAC | 2022-04-25


The China Maritime Trial website was officially launched on 25 April 2022. The website includes both Chinese and English versions and will serve as a dynamic information-sharing platform for maritime adjudication. 

Mr.Zhou Qiang, Chief Justice and President of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China (the SPC), attended the virtual ceremony and said all maritime courts should effectively build and improve the network to further enhance maritime judicial capacity and fully leverage maritime judicature in protecting the marine environment, economic development and safeguarding national maritime rights and interests. Courts should also closely follow the needs of trial practice and accordingly keep optimizing the functions of the website. The security management of the website should be enhanced to ensure the safety of network operation and data.

The website building was led by the SPC and undertaken by the Guangzhou Maritime Court. It covers the maritime adjudication matters of 11 maritime courts, their appellate higher people's courts and the SPC. The website provides intelligent support for maritime judges in case handling and online litigation services such as filings, court hearings and judgements execution for Chinese and foreign parties. It will also release authoritative maritime judicial information to the public, experts and scholars, and is an important showcase for China's maritime justice to the international community.
